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jlog 2 no work
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Autor:  erotel [ 4. Jul 2013, 20:10 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  jlog 2 no work

HI.I have the same problem http://jlog.hacknet.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=213
what is the solution.

I tested the jive in old JLOG2 and work fine.

CONFIG.txt [123 Bytes]
891-mal heruntergeladen

JIVEinfo.txt [6 Bytes]
887-mal heruntergeladen

version.txt [24 Bytes]
883-mal heruntergeladen

log00049.txt [74 Bytes]
902-mal heruntergeladen

video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyMx65dCNUI&feature=youtu.be

Sorry my english

Autor:  dl7uae [ 4. Jul 2013, 20:27 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: jlog 2 no work

Well.. how does a log file look like? Empty?

Your video: SPEKTRUM telemetry (TM1000) is not connected.
No twinkling green LED.. Means, JLog does not see data running in from the JIVE.

Three reasons are thinkable:
- Broken servo patch cable. --> Try another one.
- JIVE have been started with a jumper in the diagnostic port (not the case here).
- Strong deviation of the JIVE's baud rate (diag port). --> Play with Emergency->Baudrate Correction in JLC.

Okay, the log file is empty except of the null record.

Of course.. Also JLog may be damaged. Did it ever run?

Autor:  erotel [ 4. Jul 2013, 20:36 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: jlog 2 no work

dl7uae hat geschrieben:
- Broken servo patch cable. --> Try another one.

I did.the same behavior

dl7uae hat geschrieben:
Of course.. Also JLog may be damaged. Did it ever run?

not run.I bought it today.

friend has an older piece JLOG2(not SBL3SPEK) and it works

Autor:  dl7uae [ 4. Jul 2013, 20:43 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: jlog 2 no work

friend has an older piece JLOG2(not SBL3SPEK) and it works

Well, SBL3SPEK has nothing to do with that. It's a modification in the bootloader which grounds SCL for a while to delay the I²C bus, the sensor scan by the TM1000.

Now I can really only conclude that this JLog has a defect.
Nyní mohu opravdu jen konstatovat, že tato JLog má vadu.

Autor:  erotel [ 4. Jul 2013, 20:49 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: jlog 2 no work

thanks for the support.
send seller to exchange

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