Again, pardon for the huge delay. I'm working all the time, each(!) day 16-19hrs, but not on "RC crap".

Comes on top: my main project, "Lucia", a special mobile phone for visually impaired, elderly and hard of hearing people, will have to go into market now, next month.
I found the bug: JLog2.x is using an anti-glitch filter w/ KOSMIK/Jpro in conjunction with Futaba telemetry. I missed it during the adaptation to "new Kontronik".
This filter was made for 8 data items but we have now 12. Bingo.
26-K_Fc-43.124.bin Check the downloader.
Check also: had no desire to look after the alleged license flaw (software-enabled hardware), it was anyway time for a management decision.
In the JLog2.6 "new Kontronik" downloader as well but for every JLog2.6: super enabler making of your 2.6 an "initially fully featured".