Nope! JLog stop send live data to TM1000, all values from JLog frozen! TM1000 has only one "live data", his own RX voltage (BEC voltage).
No, JLog does not stop to send on x-bus than the values of transferred items get frozen.
Yep, that my assumption. Because problems appears only after 175+ log sessions. Will check. But... how card recording process may affect data output by X-bus?
As described: JLog's software: We have a main loop and many interrupt (event) driven software components.
Data evaluation/processing as well as log recording is done in the main loop, - whereas data acquisition and data transmission (telemetry, terminal boxes, OF live stream) are jobs of event driven software parts, - pin change interrupts, logic interrupts (UART (serial), I²C bus controller) or timer interrupts.
So the SD may hang the main loop (no processing into data items anymore) whereas the event driven processes continue to serve, - like onto the x-bus.
The result is: TM1000 continues to receive data from JLog (otherwise the displays in transmitter would fall into timeout) but that data, input of the telemetry serving routine, got frozen because the data processing in the main loop got frozen by write attempts on a faulty SD.
Just a theory...
Mmmmm??? What's wrong?

BTW, I had in use this config 170+ flights w/o troubles!

Isn't directly wrong, no problems to fear from, - just unnecessary. There is no device in your heli what receives async-serial live data in OpenFormat in parallel to the TM1000 receiving data through x-bus.