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This is the manual page for the JIVE, old as the coal, for JLog2.0, 2.5, 2.6. JLog2.0 came 2011: do you think why speaking about ImotShunt, mAh etc..?

This is the archive for JLog1, 2010, older as the coal: do you think where "I-Motor" comes from?

The sensor for measuring of Imot in the JIVE is a well-known topic for 7 yrs..
- because it is only a trace on the PCB, uncalibrated, not temperature-compensated (JLog does it afterwards)
- because it is measured in a motor phase line: PWM duty and frequency interfere with the ADC conversion time. Result is: It delivers house numbers. (Jlog converts the house numbers to real current values) Look:

You probably noticed already: Made with a JIVE 100LV

- Ibec (BEC output current) is measured as RDSon in a JIVE. There is a FET switch behind the BEC. The drain-source resistance of the FET is the current sensor.
Btw: The JIVE Pro does not have this switch anymore but an ideal diode. Same in a KOSMIK. The diode is instantly on after powerup whereas the switch in a JIVE is later activated by a 2nd MCU, ATMEL ATmega168. So there is the reason for the "BEC design flaw" in Jpro and KOSMIK. The actual cause is already existing in the old JIVE. Only, it couldn't come to that negative effect because of the delayed switching, the BEC starts load-free.
JIVE Pro has no sensor for Ibec (BEC output current) but the KOSMIK has: a 1 milliOhm resistor plus op amp.