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S32 Jlog burned up
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Autor:  spennyS2B [ 15. Feb 2019, 04:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  S32 Jlog burned up

I seem to have burned up my JLog S32 before ever flying it and wondering how this could have happened.

I bought the S32 from someone on the web. I successfully used S32Terminal to configure it to receive telemetry from my Jeti Mezon ESC and send it to a Spektrum AR9030T receiver via SRXL. The lights lit up and S32Terminal could both write and read the configuration data.

Per S32Terminal's instructions, I connected S32 Port 3 (the top row of servo connector pins) to the receiver's SRXL port. I connected Port 2 (the middle row of pins, between Port 3 and the JST ports) to the Mezon's red telemetry plug, with the power (middle/red) wire cut so the Jlog would not receive power from the ESC. All according to the diagram displayed in S32Terminal.

The Jlog lit up fine when I powered on the receiver. But it did not send any data to the transmitter so I disconnected it and brought it back to my PC to try reconfiguring it to use X-Bus instead of SRXL. Once connected to the PC, I reconfigured the Jlog in S32Terminal. When I came back to the Jlog a few minutes later, it was quite hot to the touch. Since then, the lights have not come on and it does not connect to S32Terminal. The electronics seem to have burned up.

Did I do something wrong that could lead to the S32 burning up?

Is there documentation that I might have missed, that could have prevented this if I had read it?

Or could there be a different cause?

Autor:  dl7uae [ 27. Apr 2019, 17:33 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: S32 Jlog burned up


Apologies for the huge delay! OMG..., Feb 15 ...

Actually, quite impossible to burn it by the SRXL connection..

I even once tested for someone at Helifreak what the maximum supply voltage is in practice. Went up to 21 volts, stopped at this point , S32 still alive.
Of course, this voltage would a data pin not survive.

So, sorry, no idea how you could manage it...

Hmm.. Open the housing, let it heat up, find out which component getting hot.
This may give us an idea what is damaged, maybe also about the cause.
But.. makes not really sense for you. You just and only need a working S32.
Hmm.. (again).. Drop me your postal address by PM. I will ask the distri MHM if they are willing to help.


S32-SRXL.png [ 2.08 KiB | 1822-mal betrachtet ]

Autor:  spennyS2B [ 1. Jul 2019, 19:32 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: S32 Jlog burned up

dl7uae hat geschrieben:

Apologies for the huge delay! OMG..., Feb 15 ...


Hmm.. (again).. Drop me your postal address by PM. I will ask the distri MHM if they are willing to help.

Hi Tom - I just saw your response just now. I had long since given up on any support and have thrown my burned S32 in the trash. I'll send my postal address separately in case there's anything we can do. Would still like to get telemetry from the Mezon to my Spektrum DX9 radio.


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