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Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG
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Autor:  maros [ 8. Mai 2018, 11:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG

Yesterday I am stripped teeth from main gear on my Chronos 700. So it takes maybe month to repair (helical main gears are not at stock nowadays). Maybe version 4.12 of Kosmik have another issues (like governor gain...). However, I will upgrade the Kosmik to ver. 4.13 and I will see.



IMG_0089.jpg [ 2.13 MiB | 3538-mal betrachtet ]

Autor:  augur [ 8. Mai 2018, 15:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG

You have to do the full programming after the update. Did you done it? If not you are perhaps in airplane mode or something else.

Autor:  maros [ 8. Mai 2018, 18:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG

Of course, i did it . Mode 4, BEC voltage = 7,6V

Autor:  dl7uae [ 10. Mai 2018, 16:24 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG

Sorry guys, I'm so busy with other things day&night..

Promised: this weekend I will look after.

Autor:  dl7uae [ 12. Mai 2018, 20:09 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Jlog 2.6 +Kosmik +Futaba T14SG

Again, pardon for the huge delay. I'm working all the time, each(!) day 16-19hrs, but not on "RC crap".

Comes on top: my main project, "Lucia", a special mobile phone for visually impaired, elderly and hard of hearing people, will have to go into market now, next month.

I found the bug: JLog2.x is using an anti-glitch filter w/ KOSMIK/Jpro in conjunction with Futaba telemetry. I missed it during the adaptation to "new Kontronik".
This filter was made for 8 data items but we have now 12. Bingo.

26-K_Fc-43.124.bin Check the downloader.

Check also: had no desire to look after the alleged license flaw (software-enabled hardware), it was anyway time for a management decision.
In the JLog2.6 "new Kontronik" downloader as well but for every JLog2.6: super enabler making of your 2.6 an "initially fully featured".

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