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Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0
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Autor:  dl7uae [ 16. Dez 2012, 19:24 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Well.., data from a CC is not very reliable, at least the temperature not.


Autor:  czyno [ 16. Dez 2012, 19:58 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

There is some problem with temp sensor on my Castle - as I see. I have to look for others logs. Today datas are more reliable. I don't knoe why
Current is logged by JLog with 1A step? On transmiter display there are still peeks of current >500A. Conections are without any loops.

Dateikommentar: JLOG
log00024.txt [209.27 KiB]
237-mal heruntergeladen
Dateikommentar: CC
JLOG_2.zip [4.58 KiB]
228-mal heruntergeladen
Dateikommentar: HOTT
0046_2012-12-16.bin [1.92 MiB]
250-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  dl7uae [ 16. Dez 2012, 20:29 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Looking much better so far, I cannot see any hazard pointing on noise.


- RPM is going crazy during spool-up. Looks like it comes from the CC itself.

- RPM motor is a little high.. What pole number is setup by JLC?
(Please attach your CONFIG.txt.)

- The gear ratio isn't set yet in JLC (-> rpmUni - head speed).

- Capacity is looking very strange because of some negative(!) records for Imot. (Think I should force to unsigned integer.)
(Because of these short jumps in throttle negative current values appeared in between (pulse distance <500us).)

No, there is no step, nowhere, as well as not for Imot.
The CC will have a resolution (discrete pulse distance) of course.
Everything below 10 amps is rather inaccurate as it comes from the CC.

Autor:  czyno [ 16. Dez 2012, 21:20 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Motor RPM is high because it works without propeler (2600kV so 50-53k is OK) I don want to set gear ratio. For me motor RPM is more important. Motor of course is 2 poles
There are a lot of negative values of Imot I can see it now in Graupner HoTT Manager.


CONFIG.txt [121 Bytes]
229-mal heruntergeladen

Autor:  dl7uae [ 16. Dez 2012, 21:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Yep, I see now, 2-pole in config.
Set to your motor's pole number and also the gear ratio. The latter is no problem because we're logging TWO speeds, rpmMOTOR AND rpmROTOR.

Autor:  czyno [ 16. Dez 2012, 22:00 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Oh, one thing - In HoTT Manager values are not negative...values are positive - 6533,5A

Autor:  dl7uae [ 16. Dez 2012, 22:07 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

2-complement, integer to unsigned integer. Quite normal.

Autor:  czyno [ 16. Dez 2012, 22:17 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Yes, I know it Normal and not normal ;D But that is the reason of my peaks in current on receiver display.

Autor:  dl7uae [ 16. Dez 2012, 22:22 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

Ahh, I see!

Okay, I will change that in the firmware to avoid negative values.

The negative current values are real, they're coming from the CC.
On the other hand I never saw negative values before and I am sure that also you will not see them in real flights.
The negative current values are due to that on/off that you have practiced and with no load.

Autor:  czyno [ 16. Dez 2012, 22:46 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Neuordnung der Firmwares, Version 4.0.0

I will test it

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