JLog 2.0 (two dot ZERO)
Select your type of ESC and the Telemetry system if you have one
Your ESC
Your Telemetry
Kontronik JIVE
Castle Creations +Link Live (Ownpulse)
Castle Creations +Link Live (Classic)
Hobbywing Platinum V3
Hobbywing Platinum V4
HiFei KingKong III Pro
/type 1/....JETI v1+EX
/type 2a/..Graupner/SJ HoTTv4 (JLog as "GAM")
/type 2b/..Graupner/SJ HoTTv4 (JLog as "ESC")
/type 3/....Futaba S.BUS2 (transmitters/Robbe T-Box: requires up to date Futaba firmware)
/type 4/....JR DMSS
/type 4/....Multiplex MSB
/type 5a/..SPEKTRUM
/type 5b/..SPEKTRUM (new displays)
/type 6/....HiTec
/type 7/....FrSky S.Port
/type 4/........wired: OpenFormat Live Stream
/type 4/........wired: Unidisplay
/type 2a/......wired: SmartBox (Text Mode)
/type 1/........wired: JETIbox (Text and EX Mode)