Differences between initial 3.1 and 3.2.2 at a glance
These are the differences between the initial firmware version 3.1 (shipped with the first charge of JLog2) and 3.2.2, to which it developed on user requests:
Btw: Charge #2 have been shipped with version 3.2.1_32.122 flashed, charge #3 with 32.137. Please upgrade immediately!
-> (Nov-26 2011) Bugfix – JETI: Wenn die JETIbox nicht mit JLog verbunden war, kamen keine Alarme durch einen JETI-Expander.
….If the JETIbox was not connected to JLog, no alarms went through a JETI-Expander.
-> (Oct-22/Nov-8 2011) Bugfix für Multiplex-Telemetrie im Zusammenhang mit JLog-eigenen digitalen Temperatursensoren.
….Bug fix for Multiplex telemetry in association with JLog-own digital temperature sensors.
-> (Oct-03 2011) Alle relevanten Firmware-Versionen nun auch mit HoTT Telemetrie.
….All relevant firmware versions now available with HoTT telemetry.
-> Alle Versionen wurden am 27. August 2011 erneuert. Es gab einen kleinen “Bug”: Nur mit HeliJIVE: Mit programmiertem Bailout zeigte JLog teilweise negative Gaswerte während einer Autorotation.
Gleichzeitig wurden auch die GPS-Versionen “G” und “S” sowie die “T”-Versionen (Prandtl-Sonde) verändert: Wenn JLog den Datenstrom des JIVE sieht, also der Logger nicht standalone betrieben wird, ist LogStop in diesen Versionen nicht wirksam, egal, ob es konfiguriert wurde, um zu gewährleisten, dass Speed und Höhe IMMER geloggt werden.
Versions were all renewed on August 27, 2011. There was a minor “bug”:
HeliJIVE only: With programmed bail out JLog showed partially negative throttle values during an autorotation.
At the same time, the GPS versions of ”G” and “S” and the ”T” versions (pitot head) have been changed: If JLog sees the data stream of the JIVE, so the logger is not operated standalone, LogStop in these versions is not effective, whether it is configured to ensure that speed and altitude ALWAYS will be logged.
-> (July 25, 2011) All firmware versions (except of JTX Base) upgraded with the ability to adapt to a baud rate deviation of a JIVE (rare). “P” versions which can act as a phase pulse generator for V-Bar Governor. Still untested with V-Bar, relatively slow update rate (100ms) due to the nature of the JIVE’s diagnostic data stream. - Accordingly: New configurator JLC.
-> (July 10, 2011) Revised features JETI “Back to Expander” and “G-versions”, new feature “Imot shunt temperature compensation” (all firmware versions) for Imot raw values coming from the JIVE.
-> (July 4, 2011) ”GPS S-versions” – JLog sniffers SPEED/ALT from the Multiplex Sensor Bus. JLog and SM GPS-Logger as multi-sensors, MPX M-Link receiver as busmaster (standard) -> MPX telemetry in parallel.
-> (June 23/25, 2011)
JETIbox: Both JETIbox, the black standard box and the JETIbox mini, can now WITHOUT a pullup resistor be operated if directly connected to the logger.
JETIbox: “Return-to-Expander”: If connected to JLog2 via a JETI Expander E4, one comes by simutaneously depressing Up+Down back to the Expander menu.
Little bug fixed.
Firmware versions that also log SPEED(km/h) and ALT(m) received from a SM GPS-Logger via the Multiplex Sensor Bus. JLog replacing a MPX M-Link receiver, acting as busmaster. (“G-versions”)
-> mAh: Motor current in mAh now based on the same processing model as the logged/displayed value of Imot. Expected 2..4% more mAh with moderate PWM and ..12% more with high PWM, – compared to the previous version.
-> Allows for calibration, up to +/-15% acting on the raw current value as coming from the JIVE. That, because the shunts - a piece of conductor track (copper) on one of the PCBs – of the JIVEs differ a bit from exemplar to exemplar.
-> Support of the terminal “Unidisplay” added, for telemetry by “JTX” or directly connected.
-> “restartable” (respectively multi-session capable) – if the JIVE’s signal is lost within a logging session, the next logging (JIVE been seen again) will startup “clean” as the first one did (concerning mAh, maximum values in recording and minimum values for telemetry/live data, several states, as well as the “anti-glitch mechanism”). Purpose? Many people use battery support on BEC’s end, the logger will remain under voltage in changing the main battery (resetting the JIVE). (The two-JLog telemetry needs that anyway because the base logger will remain running whereas the air logger is power-cycled or the model changed.)
-> “data integrity”: The checksums of the binary JIVE packets are evaluated now. Better to miss a packet than to read/record bad data. That is not necessary in a wired connection JIVE-JLog but precondition for the wireless connection between two JLogs. Between these modified binary JIVE packets are transmitted.
-> Live data with telemetry JETI / JTX, wired terminal JETIbox / Unidisplay: min/MAX values and mAh will remain in the displays until the next JIVE data stream is seen. Between that, after a timeout of 5 seconds, JLog (“Standard” or “Air”) will do logging on its own time base (for JLog-own sensors if installed).
-> Telemetry pages (JETI/Unidisplay) re-arranged: Page 1/line1: BAT voltage and current, line 2: RPM Uni (rotor), mAh, – page 2/line1: BEC voltage and current, line2: throttle, RPM Uni (rotor) again, PWM, – page3/line1: temperature PA and BEC, line2: power (W) and rpmM (motor). Pages 4 and 5 left as before. (Pages 1..3 are slowed down (updated every 200ms) to give the eyes a chance.) - “rpmU”: Even if you do not have a gear reduction, use one for the telemetry display! Reason: The number of decimals must be limited to four.
-> Telemetry with terminal (JETI/Unidisplay): The throttle limit for entry in jbJLC is now 5%, was 0% before.
-> Consolidated versions: The alarm page is more efficient used now with JETIbox and Unidisplay now, thus more values fit into a page of 2×16 (JETI) or 2×12 (Unidisplay in bold mode) characters.
-> The “Alarms cleared.” display have been removed.
-> Alerts via alarm lines, audible (JETI) and the alarm page do not have a timeout anymore (was 20 seconds). These have to be confirmed manually now. Alerts, page and acoustically, will remain active until the JIVE is switched off, if not confirmed by keypress. - That means, that without a telemetry with a terminal for confirmation (JETI, JTX) active alarm lines will last until the end of the log session! No automatic timeout anymore. Beep beep beep, flash flash flash at the model. It was your wish, I wish you fun.
– The only reason for clearance of an alarm is that the corresponding value drops below (respectively raises above) the trigger threshold. With mAh will that never appear.
-> The main alarm line (line 1) can now selectively be pulsed also. These signal types are available: A) “switch”(ed) – “static” line like before, B) “intval” – interval for audible alarm devices (piezo buzzer etc), 3x (272ms ON/96ms OFF), then 1396ms OFF (pause) (a cycle is always 2.5 seconds grand total), C) “flash” – for LED/Luxeon flashers driven with short over-current-pulses, 8x (16ms ON/96ms OFF), then 1604ms OFF (pause), D) “Morse” – “C” mAh alert (Capacity), “V” Voltage, “T” PA’s temperature, “B” BEC voltage drop, “X” eXternal temperatures, up to 5. The advantage we gain by that is, that one who builds his own alarm device do not need anymore to build an interval circuit also, than only a driver stage is needed for the alarm unit. A small piezo buzzer can be directly connected to the logger. (In each case you need to use a self-oscillating buzzer!) – The optional second alarm line (for mAh alert) is still supported but always of type “switched”. Alarm lines maintained now in all modes for the COM connector (telemetry), “-”/”FTDI”/”JETI”/”MPX”/”Unidisplay”, even in one of the pulsing modes “intval”/”flash”/”Morse”.
-> Pulsed alarm line: A user reported that a 16ms flash is too short with Luxeons if a series resistor is used. Pulse length changed now to 32ms: (8x ON:32ms-OFF:96ms)-–PAUSE:1476ms
-> JETI audible alarms now generally with “pre-tone”. In this context it w’d be a good idea to configure different tones for both, “tone 1″ (pre-tone) and “tone 2″ (Morse), look here.
-> Provisions against “crazy supply voltage” (of the logger, supplied by the BEC voltage) by inappropriate usage of Green Caps, series resistors (“anti flash”) and especially combinations of them: CONFIG.txt now only overwritten by the logger if absolutely necessary. If JLog operates on its own time base (no JIVE signal) a log is now only recorded if at least one JLog-own sensor (external temperature or RPM) is configured. – Another provision: A waiting loop of 5 seconds on startup after that the voltage should have killed. LEDs are flashing in a 1-second-clock, outer two LEDs, inner LED. After the wait loop the first (reading) access on the mSD takes place.
-> JLog–JETI: As provision against “datatrash” coming from a JETI Rx if the box is not connected to “Mx” (logger reads fake key clicks): There is now a “connect page” to enter JLog.
-> MPX telemetry: Sensor “t5″ (external temperature) swapped with a new one: “PWRint”, power, integrated.
-> extRPM handling: The minimum extRPM was about 9. Now it is about 90 (factor 10). Why? That helps to gauge the rotor speed in an autorotation with blade stop because the timeout is by factor 10 faster. That timeout occures if the rotation stops, no more pulses running in, – and the lastly measured speed is corrected to zero after that. The timeout (with no checked “It’s a Mot” in JLC) is adaptive, it calculates as 650/<number-of-pulses-per-rotation> milliseconds. So, to gauge a blade stop, use more than one magnet with a Hall sensor ! (one pulse per magnet) – Btw: Better, not to use the optical RPM sensor.
-> Ubat and Ubec in a telemetry display now updated instantly before the JIVE has initialized, – whereas Ubat/Ubec in the log have to pass the “anti glitch mechanism” at first what needs that the JIVE has initialized. Min/max values in telemetry still updated later, after passing of the “anti glitch”. (“anti glitch”: The JIVE may show up with house numbers for the voltages before being initialized.)
-> Consolidated versions: The release marker (like “32.132″) appears now in “version.txt” on the SD.
-> Consolidated versions append an unique type attribute to CONFIG.txt.
-> High PWM Warning with the consolidated versions:
3.2.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.2BID: No Live-HPW as version 3.1 had, HPW at start of session n+1
3.2.2B, 3.2.2BV: Live-HPW as version 3.1 had, HPW at start of session n+1
3.2.2A, 3.2.2AV: without any HPW
-> Changed key usage with JETI(box), key usage with Unidisplay:
JETIbox: To get into the configurator jbJLC depress “left”+”right”. To leave jbJLC use the corresponding menu item “discard” or “save”. “Enter” is the key “right”. Alarm page confirmation by “left” or “right”.
Unidisplay: To move between the telemetry pages use “+” (“down”) and “-” (“up”). jbJLC is reached by “ESC”. In jbJLC use “+” and “-” to modify a value, and “ent” and “ESC” to move between the pages. Exit from jbJLC by the corresponding menu item “discard” or “save”. Alarm page confirmation by “+” or “-”.
– Bugfix: JLog2 couldn’t coexist with another sensor (like SM GPS logger) on the MSB (Multiplex Sensor Bus)
– Bug in JLC: The initially provided JLC 3.3.2 has a bug: If you configure one JLog-own sensor and a alarm line, JLC will crash during load of CONFIG.txt. – Fixed in subsequent releases.
** Special version “V4T0″: See “3.2.2 consolidated”.
** Special version “BID”: Reads/writes a Robbe BID chip. Displays battery-related data from the BID in a 6th telemetry page (JETI, Unidisplay): Battery type (0=NiCd, 1=NiMH, 2=LiPo, 9=no BID), number of cells, nominal capacity, last charged mAh, last discharged mAh, maximum discharged mAh. Automatically sets and activates capacity limit and alarm, voltage limit and alarm. Writes back to BID every 10 seconds: last discharged mAh, max discharged mAh. Writes into the mirror data set also. This version does not support any JLog-own sensor nor alarm lines. Settings for CapAlarm, VolAlarm as well as sensors and alarm lines will be overridden by the logger and partly (sensors, alarm lines) changed in CONFIG.txt. So it will never log on its own time base.
Connections: BID wire/JLog pin: black–K4-3, white–K4-2, green–K4-1, red–K5-3 — The logger already builds up the pullup resistors needed for the I²C bus connection to the BID.
BID is only read-out on startup of JLog, re-read if a new JIVE-session starts (JIVE’s signal re-appears). Automatically chosen alarm thresholds: 0.8 * nominal capacity, voltage: NiCd:1.0V | NiMH:1.1V | LiPo:3.2V * number of cells. JLog does not cross-check against the gauged Ubat!
Updates checksum in both data sets. Outputs the 6 BID values in the OpenFormat live stream also (NOT going into the log file!).
** Special version: “JTX” - Homebrew telemetry with 2x JLog2 and 2x Digi XBee. Look here.
—– History —–
3.2.2 – consolidated
The special versions 3.2v4t0, 3.3 (JTX) and 3.4 (BID) have been consolidated into the common 3.2.2 now. The advantage for users of the standard version is, that they may use the “voltage for temperature 0″ now also and together with either up to 4 digital temperature sensors, RPM sensor or alarm line 1. On K4-2 a voltage is gauged with all “V”-versions, in using a 1:5 voltage devider we get a measurement range of 0..12.6 volts. That voltage is displayed in place of temperature 0, whereas temperature 1..4 may be gauged by up to 4 digital temp sensors. Only the digital temperature sensors are supported in the “V”-versions! (K4-2: voltage via a devider (two metal film resistors) 1:5, K4-1: 1..4 digital temp sensors OR RPM sensor OR alarm line 1 (which can be pulsed)).
Another change applies to the alarm page. It is more efficient used now with JETIbox and Unidisplay, thus more values fit into a page of 2×16 (JETI) or 2×12 (Unidisplay in bold mode) characters.
A minor other modification: The release marker (like “32.132″) appears now in “version.txt” on the SD. Furthermore all consolidated versions append an unique type attribute to CONFIG.txt.
So we have the following firmware versions then:
3.2.2 standard version
3.2.2V standard version which gauges a voltage on K4-2
3.2.2BID handles a Robbe BID (serial EEPROM (I²C) for use by chargers), occupying both optional connectors
3.2.2A JLog-Air (JTX telemetry)
3.2.2AV JLog-Air with voltage option
3.2.2B JLog-Base (JTX telemetry)
3.2.2BV JLog-Base with voltage option (according adapted display of received sensor data )
There is no 3.2.2ABID (JLog-Air with BID) right now.
Because the “V”-versions do not allow to configure more than one JLog-own sensor type or one alarm line at a time by JLC, an upgraded JLC is needed reflecting that by selectable device types. A new JLC will appear soon, meanwhile follow please the rule not to configure more than 1 sensor type or (alternatively) 1 alarm line - if you run (flash) a “V”-version.
Done: JLog Configurator JLC4
The download area will be updated accordingly.
Firmware version 3.2.2 (currently 32.131) is so far the same as 3.2.1 (32.122) except of one difference:
The shunts in the JIVE (here speaking about the shunt for measuring the motor current) are NOT calibrated. A shunt is a piece of conductor track (copper) on one of the PCBs. So we have certain deviation from exemplar to exemplar of a JIVE. That acts on I-Motor, I-Motor/Int and especially on mAh – because mAh cumulates errors.
Version 3.2.2 allows for calibration, up to +/-15% acting on the raw current value as coming from the JIVE. Because of the motor current processing of JLog a calibration value x is not the same as a deviation of y between mAh from an uncalibrated JIVE/JLog and a charger in use. Generally it will be needed less on JIVE/JLog. Be careful not to use it in the wrong direction!
You need to install and use the configurator JLC4 for the 3.2.2 JLog firmware (supports both JLog hardware types and all firmware versions)! JLC4 4.2.1 got also some further mods on the code of, – JLog type selector is resetting with every new read-in, the MPX sensor address consistency check is no more complaining about inconsistency if M-Link telemetry is not selected (Okay, Remo?
) And: Extended check on MPX address consistency during read-in (if somebody was so “brave” to edit CONFIG.txt manually).
Hopefully that will lead to more “peace” concerning the mAh gauging by JLog. The JIVEs differ a bit, the supposed “reference” (the chargers) does also…. So reports range from one end to the other, from “too less” via “exactly the same” to “too much”. That provision is NOT intended as “What you want”!
———— JLog1 was also upgraded from 2.8 to 2.81, including the same Imot calibration.
The implementation of this upgrade/bugfix took place gradually and is the result of a typical “burning-in” after first practical experience over a broad range of users and following their requests. There were three main steps of changing software, – at first: upgrade to version 3.2 (Unidisplay and pulsed alarm line), – second step of changes within 3.2: re-arrangement of telemetry displays, changed attitude of alarms generally (no timeout anymore), session restart, – and third step: mAh, changes and bugfix for Multiplex telemetry, modification in JETI telemetry, – into the final release 3.2.1.
What is new to version 3.2?
New features:
Supporting now the terminal “Unidisplay” from SM-Modellbau.
This is a very tiny device, you need good eyes or glasses, but very nice also. The display is 8×16 or 8×12 characters (2×16 with JETIbox in contrast). There is no commonly available telemetry which can be used with that terminal! No use with JETI (9 data bits, 1-wire), but it can be used with a homebrew downlink by XBees because it runs 2-wire with 8 data bits, look here and here. If you do not have that, you can only connect it directly to the logger (COM connector) – for live data viewing and configuration of the logger “in the field”, without a PC for JLC on hand.
The main alarm line (line 1) can now selectively be pulsed also. These signal types are available: A) “switch”(ed) – “static” line like before, B) “intval” – interval for audible alarm devices (piezo buzzer etc), 3x (272ms ON/96ms OFF), then 1396ms OFF (pause) (a cycle is always 2.5 seconds grand total), C) “flash” – for LED/Luxeon flashers driven with short over-current-pulses, 8x (16ms ON/96ms OFF), then 1604ms OFF (pause), D) “Morse” – “C” mAh alert (Capacity), “V” Voltage, “T” PA’s temperature, “B” BEC voltage drop, “X” eXternal temperatures, up to 5. The advantage we gain by that is, that one who builds his own alarm device do not need anymore to build an interval circuit also, than only a driver stage is needed for the alarm unit. A small piezo buzzer can be directly connected to the logger. (In each case you need to use a self-oscillating buzzer!)
The optional second alarm line (for mAh alert) is still supported but always of type “switched”. Alarm lines maintained now in all mode for the COM connector (telemetry), “-”/”FTDI”/”JETI”/”MPX”/”Unidisplay”, even in one of the pulsing modes “intval”/”flash”/”Morse”.
Other changes:
- Keys used with a JETIbox to enter and leave the jbJLC configurator.
- The “Alarms cleared.” display have been removed.
There is a new configurator JLC also, version 3.4 for the logger firmware 3.2.
Btw: During my tests with 3.2 and JLC 3.4, I discovered a bug in the present JLC 3.3.2: If you configure one JLog-own sensor and a alarm line, JLC will crash during load of CONFIG.txt. The new JLC 3.4 can be used for the present firmware 3.1 also. The only thing you have to take into account is, that you should not configure “Unidisplay” or “L1:SigType” (alarm line 1 signal type) for “intval”/”flash”/”Morse” with firmware 3.1. The present firmware (3.1) would correct this with “telemetry”=”-” (no telemetry) and would set “ftdispeed” to “115200″.
We have now a new JLC4 (covering all JLog2 and 1), One-for-All.
Upfront, before an addendum to the manual is available: Changed key usage with JETIbox and the key usage with Unidisplay:
JETIbox: To get into the configurator jbJLC depress “left”+”right”. To leave jbJLC use the corresponding menu item “discard” or “save”. “Enter” is the key “right”.
Unidisplay: To move between the telemetry pages use “+” (“down”) and “-” (“up”). jbJLC is reached by “ESC”. In jbJLC use “+” and “-” to modify a value, and “ent” and “ESC” to move between the pages. Exit from jbJLC by the corresponding menu item “discard” or “save”.
The Look&feel of the pages on Unidisplay, generated bei JLog, is not even that what one would call to be “nice”.., especially concerning the telemetry page 5 (min/MAX) and jbJLC. The reason is as simple as sad: There is not enough memory, RAM and ROM, to make pages that fit to Unidisplay, substituted the pages for the JETIbox are used (thus the 16 chars per line, whereas other pages are 12 chars/line).
Four new features/changes more:
- “restartable” – if the JIVE’s signal is lost within a logging session, the next logging (JIVE been seen again) will startup “clean” as the first one did (concerning mAh, maximum values in recording and minimum values for telemetry/live data, several states, as well as the “anti-glitch mechanism”). Purpose? Many people use battery support on BEC’s end, the logger will remain under voltage in changing the main battery (resetting the JIVE). The two-JLog telemetry needs that anyway because the base logger will remain running whereas the air logger is power-cycled or the model changed.
……..–> Live data with telemetry JETI duplex / XBee, wired terminal JETIbox / Unidisplay: min/MAX values and mAh will remain in the displays until the next JIVE data stream is seen. Between that, after a timeout of 5 seconds, JLog (“Standard” or “Air”) will do logging on its own time base (for JLog-own sensors if installed).
- “data integrity”: The checksums of the binary JIVE packets are evaluated now. Better to miss a packet than to read/record bad data. That is not necessary in a wired connection JIVE-JLog but precondition for the wireless connection between two JLogs. Between those modified binary JIVE packets are transmitted. (But we also had a JIVE with a defective serial interface for the analysis protocol (“jumper interface”), about 50% of the received packets were inconsistent.)
- Telemetry pages (JETI/Unidisplay) re-arranged on users request: Page 1/line1: BAT voltage and current, line 2: RPM Uni (rotor), mAh, – page 2/line1: BEC voltage and current, line2: throttle, RPM Uni (rotor) again, PWM, – page3/line1: temperature PA and BEC, line2: power (W) and rpmM (motor). Pages 4 and 5 left as before. (Pages 1..3 are slowed down (updated every 200ms) to give the eyes a chance.) - “rpmU”: Even if you do not have a gear reduction, use one for the telemetry display! Reason: The number of decimals must be limited to four.
- Also on user request: Alerts via alarm lines, audible (JETI) and the alarm page do not have a timeout anymore (was 20 seconds). These have to be confirmed manually now. Alerts, page and acoustically, will remain active until the JIVE is switched off, if not confirmed by keypress. A cleared mAh-alert (“alert”!, the “alarm” continues, see the log) and each value not dropping in between below the trigger value (like a continuous raising temperature) will not trigger again (of course), only re-appear on the alarm page and audible together with other alarms which possibly come up. - That means, that without a telemetry with a terminal for confirmation (JETI, JTX) active alarm lines will last until the end of the log session! No automatic timeout anymore. Beep beep beep, flash flash flash at the model. It was your wish, I wish you fun.
– The only reason for clearance of an alarm is that the corresponding value drops below (respectively raises above) the trigger threshold. With mAh will that never appear.
Btw, support voltage: Some guys use Green Caps on BEC’s end, without a blocking diode. Because the voltage will never go to absolutely zero, this may prevent a clean reset of the logger. Instead of, the processor of the logger will slip into a brownout and awake from there if the BEC voltage raises again. –> No clean reset!!! Result: The configuration file CONFIG.txt is about to rewrite from erased memory (RAM), what means in the end, overwritten with default values.
Version 3.2 (Apr 6 and 19) –> 3.2.1 (Apr-28)