Anleitung … Manual…………………………………………………………………………………….. Mar-20/Mar-28 2011
Das Handbuch reflektiert noch die JLog2-Urversion von März 2011, bitte ziehen Sie bzgl. aktuellen Funktionsumfangs auch die weiteren Informationen auf j-log.net zu Rate, wie die Feature Matrix und dieses Übersichtsbild zu unterstützten Telemetriesystemen.
The manual is still reflecting the original version of JLog2 as of March 2011, please consider regarding current functionality also the additional information on j-log.net, as the Feature Matrix and this overview image on supported telemetry systems.
JLog Configurator JLC4 (…..Platform: Windows® …… One-for-All (JLog2 and 1) ….Feb-20 2013
Feb-20 2013: The domain J-Log.net is currently down, it forwarded anyway only onto j-log.eu. To reflect this and because JLC4 is also a web browser: New JLC
Sep-25: Firmware version “BMF” implemented.
Jun-14: Bugfix.
Jun-08: Little bug fixing concerning telemetries S.BUS II and MPX.
May-25: New standard firmware H4F32 implemented (S.BUS II).
May-15: Links to new site location. Firmware version “TT” implemented.
Feb-06: Marginally: Voltage setup of Linus’ HV²BEC: Shows now 8.4V instead of 8.5V which was wrong.
Jan-19: Support for firmware versions BH, BM, BHSS, BHSST added (JLog2 and Linus’s HV²BEC)
Dec-28: HiTec-Telemetrie mit dig. Temp.sensoren an COM dazu. / HiTec telemetry w/ dig. temp. sensors on COM added.
Dec-18: HiTec-Telemetrie dazu. / HiTec telemetry added.
Beim ersten Einlesen einer älteren Config-Datei kann es zu Fehlerkennung durch den JLC kommen. Bitte dann korrigieren und abspeichern. .. First reading of an earlier config file may lead to wrong identification by JLC. Please correct then and save. . Bitte die Geräte “[CMT]” und “[DEV]” ignorieren. .. Please ignore devices “[CMT]” and “[DEV]“. Erforderliche min. Bildschirmauflösung / required min. screen resolution: 1152 x 864. (Attention w/ Toy-Netbooks!)
JLog2.ini ……………………………….LogView Gerätedatei LogView device file
JLog2.jpg ………………………………(Bild für LogView-Geräteauswahl picture for LogView device selection)
Example_JLog2.lov …………………..Alternativ: Für das Erlernen des Gerätes JLog2 durch LogView ………………………………………….. Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2 by LogView
JLog2 nun nativ bekannt durch now natively known by LogView von from LogView an on (JLog2.ini/Example.lov/JLog2.jpg nicht mehr erforderlich no more needed)
Letzte LogView-Version / Latest LogView version: >>> LogView <<<
Example.JLog2Fahrenheit.lov…………………….Hi Americans, this is for you, lets LogView display the temperatures in Fahrenheit. ……………………………………………………….. Open (Yes, OPEN, e.g. by a double-click on the file in the explorer) with LogView.
……………………………………………………….. LogView learns a device “JLog2Fahrenheit” by that.
—– Firmware —–
Not yet in the Feature Matrix listed: Firmware versions that log Linus’s HV²BEC as well as setup the output voltage of the BEC. Also not the “TT” (pitot tube + HoTT) and S.BUS II versions.
(Also available on request: Special firmware that supports in place of the standard analog temperature sensor SM#2220/2221: Graupner 6444.1 or 6444.2 (linear sensor, same temperature range as the SM#2220), SM#2225 (PT1000, -200…+800°C, SM specifies the sensor for..+300°C), Graupner 33612, 33613 (NTC, -10…+250°C). - Digital temperature sensors always supported on top.)
Firmware weiter entwickelt nach Nutzerwünschen von der ursprünglichen 3.1 (erste JLog2-Charge) zu 3.2/3.2.1/3.2.2. Firmware developed on user requests from the initial 3.1 (first JLog2 charge) to 3.2/3.2.1/3.2.2. ………………………………………...Weiteres hier. More here.
Die erste Charge JLog2 war geflasht mit Version 3.1 (3.14). … The first charge of JLog2 was flashed with version 3.1 (3.14).…/…Die nächste Charge des JLog2 wurde mit der Version 3.2.1 (32.122) geflasht geliefert, die folgende mit 3.2.2 (32.137), die nächste mit H32.151. Es wird empfohlen, gleich auf das aktuelle Release 3.2.2 upzudaten. .. The next charge of JLog2 were delivered with version 3.2.1 (32.122) flashed, the next with 3.2.2 (32.137), the next with H32.151. It is recommended to immediately update to the current release 3.2.2.
Der Update-Prozess ist zweistufig, weil statische Teile der Anzeigen auf Unidisplay in den Speicher “EEPROM” verlegt wurden. Bitte zuerst die Update-Datei JLog2_3.2.2EEPROM_32.255.bin auf die SD kopieren (Wurzelverzeichnis), JLog einschalten und Flash abwarten. Er endet damit, dass alle 3 LEDs dauerhaft leuchten. Machen Sie zuvor eine Sicherheitskopie Ihres CONFIG.txt! Dann die Datei JLog2_3.2.2_H4F-32.162_noHIPWM.bin auf die SD kopieren, Logger unter Spannung setzen (vom JIVE) und Flash abwarten (rote LED blinkt, dann blinken die äußeren LEDs wechselseitig mit der inneren (5-Sekunden-Warteschleife), dann geht die grüne LED an). In diesem Schritt 2 wird die neue Firmware 3.2.2 geflasht. This is a two-step update procedure because static parts of the displays on Unidisplay have been moved into the memory “EEPROM”. Please at first copy the fil JLog2_3.2.2EEPROM_32.255.bin to the SD (root directory), power-up the JLog and wait for flashing to end. It ends with all three LEDs light up continuously. Make a backup copy of your CONFIG.txt before! Then copy the file JLog2_3.2.2_H4F-32.162_noHIPWM.bin to the SD, give the logger supply voltage (from JIVE) and wait for the flashing to end (red LED flashes, then the outer LEDs flash alternatively with the inner (5 seconds wait loop), then the green LED lights up). In this step 2 the new firmware 3.2.2 is flashed. Wenn Sie kein Unidisplay verwenden, ist der Update-Schritt 1 nicht erforderlich. Schritt 1 muss insgesamt nur einmal durchgeführt werden je JLog2. Es schadet nicht, den Update-Schritt 1 mehrmals durchzuführen. Nach Schritt 1 muss aber auf jeden Fall immer der eigentliche Firmware-Flash Schritt 2 ZULETZT erfolgen! Update step 1 is not required if you do not use Unidisplay. Step 1 must be done only once for each JLog2. It does not hurt to perform the update step 1 several times. But in any case always the actual firmware flash step 2 has to be done AT LAST! Der Logger flasht ein Release immer nur einmal, das geht nach der Release-Markierung, wie “H4F-32.162_noHIPWM”, z.B. Für einen nächsten Flash muss die Release-Markierung unterschiedlich sein. Was also nicht geht: A–A–A–… Was geht: A–B–A–B–… Immer nur EINE Flash-Datei zur gleichen Zeit auf der SD halten! Der Name der Datei ist egal, die Release-Markierung befindet sich IN der Datei. The logger flashes a release always only once, that follows the release mark, e.g. “H4F-32.162_noHIPWM”. For a next flash the release mark have to be different. Not working: A–A–A–.. Working: A–B–A–B–… Keep only ONE flash file at a time on the SD! The name of the file does not matter, the release flag is INSIDE of the file.
JLog2_3.2.2EEPROM_32.255.bin …………. Update Step 1 (EEPROM flasher) ………………………………
………………..– für/for Unidisplay, wenn Sie das nutzen if you use it
………………..– nicht erforderlich, wenn die ursprüngliche Firmware-Version (siehe SD: version.txt) 3.2.1 o.höher war
………………..– not necessary if the original firmware version (see SD: version.txt) was 3.2.1 or higher
Update Step 2 (ROM flash (firmware)) - STANDARD versions:
–> JLog2_3.2.2_32.151.bin ……… …..Nov-26 2011 …no HoTT nor S.BUS II but still with jbJLC online configurator
–> JLog2_3.2.2_H32.151.bin ……. …..Nov-26 2011 ….with HoTTv3.1, no S.BUS II, no jbJLC
–> JLog2_3.2.2_H4F-32.162_noHIPWM.bin Oct-12 2012 .w/ HoTTv4 + S.BUS II (FASSTest® Futaba telemetry), no jbJLC, no High PWM warning, Ubat*100 in S.BUS2 as rpm sensor
–> 4.0.0J_E-61.4.bin …… Jan-3 2013 .. JETI EX for the JIVE, no HoTT, S.BUS2, SPEKTRUM, HiTec, but MPX (not in JLC yet but JLC usable for this device) Hier lesen!
–> 4.0.0CC_E-71.2.bin …. Jan-3 2013 .. JETI EX for a Castle Creations ESC, no HoTT, S.BUS2, SPEKTRUM, HiTec, but MPX
See the pre-releases of the new “Series 4″ firmwares here also! JLC5 for Series 4 is underway but JLC4 may be used also.
JLog2 and IISI: Sollte mit IISI als MPX-Gateway funktionieren. / Should work with IISI as MPX gateway.
Oct-12: Ubat *100 now in S.BUS2 (Futaba T18MZ) e.g. “2460 rpm” for “24.6V”. Reason: Alarm thresholds in transmitter definable in steps of 100 rpm. So we get the ability to define an alarm threshold on Ubat in steps of 1V. High PWM warning had to be disabled to save ROM. – Same in firmware JLog2_3.2.2BMF_214.6.bin below.
Oct-10: Bugfixes: 1. mAh Alarm Stop concerning JETI telemetry. 2. MPX telemetry data class “rpm” (MSBv2)
Jun-03: Bugfix on .153: Sometimes JLog-own sensor data did not appear in Futaba display. – Jun-08: Bugfix for MPX telemetry. The consistency check of the config file had to be removed from the source because of exhausted space in the FlashROM. – Jun-14: mAh Alarm Stop
Die Ohne-HoTT-Versionen bleiben hier im Download, weil mit HoTT nicht mehr der Online-Konfigurator “jbJLC” enthalten ist. Falls also jemand gesteigerten Wert auf den jbJLC legt und kein HoTT braucht…
The without-HoTT versions remain here in the download, because the HoTT versions do not include the online configurator ”jbJLC”. So if anyone sets an increased value on jbJLC and does not need HoTT…
— S P E C I A L S —
Aug-27 2011 / Oct-22/Nov-8/26 2011………. consolidated special versions
JLog2_3.2.2V_32.217.bin……………………..JLog standard version with “V4T0″ voltage measurement option Nov-26
JLog2_3.2.2V_H32.217.bin……………………with HoTTv3 …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2V_H4-32.218.bin………………….HoTTv4 ...Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2G_82.139.bin……………………..GPS BUSMASTER option. Speed+ALT from a SM GPS-Logger via MSB
JLog2_3.2.2VG_82.206.bin……………………As above + “V4T0″
JLog2_3.2.2S_87.150.bin……………………..GPS SNIFFER option. Speed+ALT from a SM GPS-Logger via MSB
JLog2_3.2.2VS_87.216.bin……………………As above + “V4T0″ …Nov-8 2011
Jlog2 3.2.2L_40.150.bin……………………….Sniffers “LQI” of a MPX receiver from the MSB …Nov-8 2011
JLog2_3.2.2T_110.155.bin…………………… standard+ Speed sensor SM #2560 (Prandtl Probe) …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2T_H110.155.bin…………………. with HoTTv3 …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2T_H4-110.156.bin………………. HoTTv4 …Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2TT_H4-112.157.bin……………… HoTTv4 Prandtl Probe + Speed –>HoTTv4/GPS…May-15 2012
……………………………………. Jun-06 2012 with mAh Alarm Stop
JLog2_3.2.2HSS_200.160_C50.bin…………. with HiTec telemetry (no HoTT nor S.BUS2(Futaba) telemetry)
JLog2_3.2.2HSST_202.164_C50.bin……….. HSST + JLog-own digital temp sensor(s) on COM port, see here
……………………………………..Feb-04/Sep-25 2012
JLog2_3.2.2BH_H4-210.152………………….. loggt Linus’s HV²BEC + stellt dessen Ausgangsspg. ein, keine MPX-Telemetrie, kein S.BUS2
JLog2_3.2.2BM_211.152.bin………………….. loggt Linus’s HV²BEC + stellt dessen Ausgangsspg. ein, keine HoTT-Telemetrie, kein S.BUS2
JLog2_3.2.2BMF_214.6.bin………………….. .loggt Linus’s HV²BEC + stellt dessen Ausgangsspg. ein, keine HoTT-Telemetrie (aber MPX und Futaba S.BUS2
……………………………………..Oct-07/13/21 2012
JLog2_3.2.2_ST-249.38.bin……………………JLog2 + Spektrum Telemetry (No JLC yet for this firmware! You can use the standard device (firmware type) in JLC but the logger will ignore everything concerning telemetry setup (always Spektrum) and JLog-own sensors/alarm lines which are anyway not supported here because both option pins are occupied by the I²C bus (Spektrum “X-Bus”).)
Look here on how to connect JLog2 to a Spektrum TM1000, here with Scan Stop. Note: This is a bus. You may connect more sensors (Spektrum) in parallel to JLog2. For Spektrum sensors you will need to use the 4th wire, + supply voltage, which is fed from the TM1000 as long as the supply voltage runs in from the front side of the TM1000 by connecting the receiver. – Oct 21: A bug avoided LogStop to work.
— S U P E R S P E C I A L S —
Aug-27 2011 / Oct-22/Nov-8/26 2011………. consolidated superspecial versions
JLog2_3.2.2BID_EEPROM_34.255.bin ……. Update step 1 (EEPROM flasher for Unidisplay containing 6th page)
JLog2_3.2.2BID_34.21.bin…………………….JLog with BID support (no MPX telemetry, no own sensors/alarm lines)
JLog2_3.2.2BID_H34.21.bin…………………..with HoTTv3 … Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2BID_H4-34.22.bin…………………HoTTv4 … Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2BIDG_84.11.bin…………………..As above + GPS BUSMASTER option
JLog2_3.2.2BIDS_89.20.bin…………………..BID + GPS SNIFFER option
JLog2_3.2.2A_33.170.bin………………………JLog-Air for “JTX” telemetry (no other telemetry) JLog2_3.2.2AV_33.70.bin………………………JLog-Air for “JTX” telemetry with voltage option “V4T0″ JLog2_3.2.2AP2_133.170.bin………………….JLog-Air for “JTX” + “P” version, pulse output on K4-2 JLog2_3.2.2AVP1_133.70.bin………………….JLog-Air for “JTX” w/ “V4T0″+ “P” version, pulse output on K4-1
JLog2_3.2.2B_33.180.bin…………………….. JLog-Base for “JTX” telemetry (no other telemetry) JLog2_3.2.2B_H33.188.bin…………………… with HoTTv3 (“HoTT” means Smart-Box)
JLog2_3.2.2B_H4-33.190.bin………………….HoTTv4 (SmartBox) w/ graphical mode also …Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2BV_33.80.bin…………………….. JLog-Base for “JTX” telemetry with voltage option “V4T0″ JLog2_3.2.2BV_H33.88.bin…………………… with HoTTv3 (“HoTT” means Smart-Box)
JLog2_3.2.2BV_H4-33.90.bin…………………. HoTTv4 (SmartBox) w/ graphical mode also …Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2GT_111.144.bin…………………..A version for the speed junkies, combining “G” and “T”. Sep-23 2011
JLog2_3.2.2P1_91.151.bin…………………… standard+: outputs (K4-1) a phase pulse for V-Bar Governor …Nov-26
JLog2_3.2.2P1_H91.151.bin…………………. with HoTTv3 …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2P1_H4-91.152.bin……………….. HoTTv4 …Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2P2_92.150.bin…………………… standard+: outputs (K4-2) a phase pulse for V-Bar Governor …Nov-8
JLog2_3.2.2P2_H92.150.bin…………………. with HoTTv3 …Nov-8 2011
JLog2_3.2.2P2_H4-92.152.bin……………….. HoTTv4 …Dec-22 2011
JLog2_3.2.2M_250.6.bin…………………….. Loggt einen Servoimpuls (in µs) ”CH0″ auf K4-1 und “CH1″ auf K4-2. / Logs a servo pulse (in microseconds) “CH0″ on K4-1 and ”CH1″ on K4-2. — Im Moment nicht unterstützt durch JLC. Verwenden Sie das Standard-Device stattdessen (“JLog2 3.2.2 —-”). Keine weiteren JLog-eigenen Sensoren unterstützt. / At the moment not supported by JLC. Use the default device instead (“JLog2 3.2.2 —-”). No further JLog-own sensors supported. — Der Pegel eines Servoimpulses darf nicht mehr als 6V betragen! / The level of a servo pulse must not exceed 6 volts! …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2M_H250.6.bin……………………… with HoTTv3 …Nov-26 2011
JLog2_3.2.2M_H4-250.7.bin…………………… HoTTv4 …Dec-22 2011
For LogView with the SPECIAL versions
JLog2volt.ini ……………………………………. <device.ini> for LogView with the “V4T0″ version w/o “GPS” Example_JLog2volt.lov …………………………Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2volt by LogView
JLog2GPS.ini ………………………………….. <device.ini> for LogView with the “GPS” version w/o “V4T0″ Example_JLog2GPS.lov ……………………….Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2GPS by LogView
JLog2voltGPS.ini ………………………………. <device.ini> for LogView with the version “V4T0″ + “GPS” Example_JLog2voltGPS.lov ……………………Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2voltGPS by LogView
JLog2SPEED.ini ……………………………….. <device.ini> for use of LogView with JLog2+Speed Sensor (“T” and “TT” version)
Example_JLog2SPEED.lov ……………………Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2SPEED by LogView
JLog2BIDlive.ini ……………………………….. <device.ini> for use of LogView with the modified live stream
Example_JLog2BIDlive.lov …………………….Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2BIDlive by LogView
JLog2gpsBIDlive.ini …………………………… <device.ini> for use of LogView with the modified live stream
Example_JLog2gpsBIDlive.lov ………………..Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2gpsBIDlive by LogView
JLog2GPS+SPEED.ini ………………………… <device.ini> for the “GT” version
Example_JLog2GPS+SPEED.lov ……………..Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2GPS+SPEED by LogView
JLog2lqi.ini ……………………………………… <device.ini> for the “L” version
Example_JLog2lqi.lov …………………………..Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2lqi by LogView
JLog2M.ini ………………………………………. <device.ini> for the “M” version
Example_JLog2M.lov ……………………………Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2M by LogView
JLog2HV2BEC.ini ………………………………. <device.ini> for the “B<x>” HV²BEC versions
Example_JLog2HV2BEC.lov …………………..Alternatively: For learning of the device JLog2HV²BEC by LogView
— Early Availability —
In Entwicklung. …..Ye..NUnder development.
Nothing yet..
Versions JLog2_3.2.2BH and JLog2_3.2.2BM - Supporting Linus’s Super-BEC HV²BEC
Loggt Daten des HV²BEC.
Einstellen der Ausgangsspannung des BEC via JLC–>JLog2 (6.0/6.5/7.0/7.5/8.0/8.4V).
(Die ehemals enthaltete BEC-Überwachung (“Emergency Watchdog”) wurde abgeschaltet, der BEC kann sich sehr gut selbst überwachen.)
HV²BEC und JLog2 kommunizieren via I²C Bus, analog den HSS-Versionen (HiTec Telemetrie) werden zwei externe Pullup-Widerstände benötigt. Auf Seiten des HV²BEC handelt es sich um einen SMBus, der aber weitgehend kompatibel zum I²C ist, Spezifika wurden im Logger implementiert.
JLog2 loggt (und zeigt identisch im OpenFormat LiveStream) die unten dargestellten Daten des HV²BEC. Ubec und Ibec des JIVE-BEC sind hier ersetzt durch die Werte des HV²BEC. Temp-BEC ist weiterhin der Wert aus dem JIVE. Der Maxwert des BEC-Stromes stammt aus HV²BEC, ebenso der Drop-Alarm (Spannungs-Dip >0,5V unter Startspannung). Externe Temperatur #1 und der mögliche Alarm darauf beziehen sich auf die höhere der beiden Temperaturen, die der HV²BEC liefert. Außerdem wird die Eingangsspannung des HV²BEC geloggt. - Weitere externe, JLog-eigene Sensoren sind nicht möglich, weil der I²C Bus die beiden Options-Pins des Loggers besetzt. Entsprechend sind hier die sonst möglichen weiteren 4 externen Temperaturen und deren Alarme nicht in Log/LiveStream enthalten.
Auch hier setzen sich die “mAh” aus 3 Teilen zusammen: Aus dem umgerechneten Motorstrom, aus dem hochgerechneten Primärstrom des HV²BEC, also inklusive Spannungsverhältnis Vout/Vin und Wirkungsgrad und temperaturabhängigem Ruhestrom, zzgl. hochgerechnetem Primär-Ruhestrom des JIVE.
Eine passende INI-Datei bzw. Example…lov zum Erlernen des benötigten Gerätes durch LogView findet sich oben auf dieser Seite.
JLog2 kommandiert 2 Sekunden nach seinem Startup (zuvor 5s Warteschleife gegen “Crazy Voltage” wg. “Antiblitzwiderstand”), und wenn er den HV²BEC sieht, außerdem nur dann, wenn die im BEC eingestellte Ausgangsspannung von der JLog via JLC und CONFIG.txt bekannten Sollspannung differiert, die neue Ausgangsspannung. Das geschieht, indem JLog dem BEC ein passendes (vorgefertigtes) Parameter-Set sendet (in dessen RAM) und hernach dessen Speicherung im BEC veranlasst.
Die Firmware-Version “BH” enthält alle gegenwärtig implementierten Telemetrien bis auf M-Link, HiTec und JTX (HoTT ist v4), die Version “BM” enthält nicht HoTT, HiTec und JTX.
Weitere Versionen sind geplant:
“BHSS” - mit HiTec Telemetrie
“BHSST” - mit HiTec Telemetrie + digitale Temperatursensoren (bis zu 5) am COM-Anschluss des Loggers.
“BBID” - mit parallelem Anschluss eines Robbe BID-Chips (auch I²C)
Erfordert JLC
Anschlussweise:
“HSS“, “HSST” and “HSSG2” Versions: HiTec Telemetry
JLog2 forms a HTS-SS HiTec Sensor Station. HiTec’s telemetry bus is I²C, so the two optional pins of JLog have to be used instead of the COM interface (async serial). HSS is the standard firmware version for HiTec telemetry. HSST allows on top to run 1..5 digital temperature sensors (SM#2820) on the COM interface because the other pins normally used for JLog-own sensors are already occupied by the telemetry bus. With HSS the COM is free for any other telemetry except of HoTT, here also a JETIbox or Unidisplay can be connected for live data, or the USB interface for live data into LogView. - Due to ROM capacity constraints SmartBox(HoTT) and online configurator “jbJLC” are not supported. - HSSG2 will support to connect a SM GPS Logger to the COM port, JLog as busmaster on a Multiplex Sensor Bus (standalone) requesting data from the GPS logger (JLog-own temperature sensors not supported here).
See the new JLC and here (Vid). – With alarms for mAh, tempFET(tempPA) and one to five external temperatures (HSST), signalled by a 1.0V voltage drop. Voltage limit in JLog have to be the same as in the transmitter (voltage alarm). JLog lets drop the voltage value by exactly 1.0V below that threshold to trigger an alarm in the transmitter. Pulsed alarm: 2 seconds on, 5 seconds off. Ubec: Measured by the Rx, alarm threshold by the transmitter. Power calculated by the transmitter.
Transmitter’s display
T1: tempFET (0..10n°C) … T2: throttle (0..100%) … T3: PWM (0..100%) … T4: 0(HSS) / extTemp0(HSST) (-40..+215°C) up to 5 temps in log
SPEED: (HSS/HSST) Ibec *10 (11.5A –> 115) … (HSSG2) real speed (km/h)
ALT: mAh /10 (355 –> 3550mAh) … FuelGauge: full..3/4==4, 3/4..1/2==3, 1/2..1/4==2, <1/4==1, empty==0
RPM1: rpmUni /10 … RPM2: rpmMotor /10 …… (Make sure you setup “Prop-2″ for both RPMs.)
Voltage: Ubat, integrated … Current: Imot, integrated …… (Ubec as Rx Voltage from receiver)
Dummy GPS data in display: Latitude, longitude, date (1.1.12). Time is JLog’s relative time, JIVE time (after init) or from JLog’s own time base with HSST if no JIVE have been seen. Will be real GPS data with firmware HSSG2.
- live I: unlimited
- Imax: 60A
- Pmax: @142.5A (U was 49.5V but looks like it is not product dependent (U*I))
- live I: 200A
- Imax: 200A
- Pmax: unlimited
Values (I, P) in HTS-Navi’s log not delimited.
RPM1, RPM2 in HTS-Navi is *1 whereas it is *10 in transmitter’s display.
“T” Version (with Speed Sensor: Prandtl Tube (pitot head) SM #2560)
Do not run more than 5.8V Ubec with the #2560 if you use an adaptor to be able to connect a 2nd JLog-own sensor in parallel (rpm or temperature or alarm line)!
“P” Versions (phase pulse for the Mikado V-Bar speed governor)
Tested (on a motor test site, not flown) with the following control parameters (V-Bar Gov): Gain: up to 70 D=7 I=15 maxP=0 ca=7 pd=7 pr=0

“Voltage for Temperature Zero” (“v4t0″) - Voltage metering in place of temperature 0….initially for Petr
The voltage is displayed in place of temperature 0, whereas temperature 1..4 may be gauged by up to 4 digital temp sensors. Only the digital temperature sensors are supported in the “V”-versions! (K4-2: voltage via a devider (two metal film resistors) 1:5, K4-1: 1..4 digital temp sensors OR RPM sensor OR alarm line 1 (which can be pulsed)). Other voltage ranges by a modified voltage devider. The resolution is 10 bits. The used reference voltage is 2.56 volts.
“GPS Version” - JLog2 (COM) connected to SM GPS-Logger via Multiplex-Sensor-Bus……………for Olli
JLog additionally recording (log) SPEED (km/h) and ALT (m) sent on MSB sensor bus.
“GPS BUSMASTER option”: Logger acting as busmaster replacing a MPX receiver in that relation. No need to have Multiplex M-Link equipment in use. SM GPS-Logger has to send SPEED on MSB address 14 and ALT on 15. No free interface of the logger to feed into a telemetry system or output an OpenFormat live stream. This is the “Olli-Version”.
To connect JLog2 (COM interface) to the SM GPS-Logger you can use the telemetry cable #2556.
“GPS SNIFFER option”: SM GPS-Logger and JLog2 together on the Multiplex Sensor Bus of a MPX M-Link receiver. The Logger sniffers values coming from the SM GPS-Logger on the MSB. The GPS-Logger has to send SPEED on MSB address 2 and ALT on 3. Multiplex is the only telemetry supported by that firmware version.
Both devices connected to the MPX receiver’s MSB interface. Use the telemetry cable #2556 for JLog2, a servo patch cable for the SM GPS-Logger, an Y-cable to connect both to the receiver.
“JTX” - Homebrew telemetry with 2x JLog2 and 2x Digi XBee ………………………. on Tom’s play instinct
–>Built (DE)
Version 3.2.2BID - BID-chip integration (No MPX telemetry, no JLog-own sensors/alarm lines)… for Linus
Reads/writes a BID chip. Displays battery-related data from the BID in a 6th telemetry page (JETI, Unidisplay): Battery type (0=NiCd, 1=NiMH, 2=LiPo, 9=no BID), number of cells, nominal capacity, last charged mAh, last discharged mAh, maximum discharged mAh. Automatically sets and activates capacity limit and alarm, voltage limit and alarm. Writes back to BID every 10 seconds: last discharged mAh, max discharged mAh. Writes into the mirror data set also.
This version does not support any JLog-own sensor nor alarm lines. Settings for CapAlarm, VolAlarm as well as sensors and alarm lines will be overridden by the logger and partly (sensors, alarm lines) changed in CONFIG.txt. So it will never log on its own time base.
Connections: BID wire/JLog pin: black–K4-3, white–K4-2, green–K4-1, red–K5-3 The logger already builds up the pullup resistors needed for the I²C bus connection to the BID, but only good if the wires are not longer than a few centimeters. Otherwise use two external pullup resistors as to be seen here.
BID is only read-out on startup of JLog, re-read if a new JIVE-session starts (JIVE’s signal re-appears)…… Automatically chosen alarm thresholds: 0.8 * nominal capacity, voltage: NiCd:1.0V | NiMH:1.1V | LiPo:3.2V * number of cells. JLog does not cross-check against the gauged Ubat! Updates checksum in both data sets. Outputs the 6 BID values in the OpenFormat live stream also (NOT going into the log file!).