Additional items for JLog2

This article has been written due to the fact that everything is in German in the web shop of SM-Modellbau:
item #2800: Contains everything so far, the logger, a microSD, an USB card reader as well as a card adapter mSD–>SD, and the servo patch cable JLog–>JIVE.
(In contrast to other loggers, JLog does not need any sensor because all physical and “virtual” sensors are those in the JIVE, – 20 of 31 log data items already evaluated.)
#2810: Is a spare part, mSD, USB card reader and mSD–>SD card adapter. (Do NOT use other microSD’s because of minimum timing requirements by the application!)
#2556: Option. This is a cable used to connect the logger with a JETI Duplex or Multiplex M-Link receiver (for telemetry) or a JETIbox directly to the logger for live data or configuration without a PC (JLC).
#2213: Option, as JLog-own sensor to measure a RPM outside of the JIVE, of the rotor during an autorotation for example. But this is a sensor for brushless motors.
#2400: Unidisplay. Another terminal (besides JETIbox). Except of my D.I.Y. telemetry “JTX” there is no telemetry capable system for that in the market yet. Alternatively one may connect Unidisplay directly to the logger (COM interface) for live data or configuration without a PC (JLC).
A very tiny device, 8×16 and 8×12 characters.
#JDBOXMINI: JETIbox mini. 2×16 characters, bigger display.
#2220: Option, as JLog-own sensor to measure a temperature outside of the JIVE. This is an analog sensor (only one of it connectable to the logger). Including a magnetic mount.
#2221: Same as #2220 but without the magnetic mount.
#2820: Alternative digital temperature sensor, up to five connectable to the logger (at the same time).
With a “V4T0″ (Voltage for Temperature zero) firmware of JLog2 one voltage 1..12.6 volts (requires a 1:5 voltage devider) and up to 4 digitally measured temperatures.)
#2210: Option, as JLog-own sensor to measure a RPM outside of the JIVE, of the rotor during an autorotation for example. This is an optical sensor.
#2211: Option, as JLog-own sensor to measure a RPM outside of the JIVE, of the rotor during an autorotation for example. This is a magnetic sensor (Hall), advisable.
#2701: Option, GPS-Logger. Special JLog firmware versions read SPEED and ALT into the log recorded by JLog.
#2560: Option, speed sensor, Prandtl probe. Special JLog firmware versions measure the speed by that pitot head.
If you do not intend to make use of the optional features of JLog with extra sensors for temperature or/and RPM, and also not to connect to a telemetry or “telemetry-like”, JETI Duplex, Multiplex M-Link, my D.I.Y. variant “JTX”, JETIbox directly or Unidisplay directly, - the only item you need is #2800! …And LogView, free of charge, donationware,  and the configurator JLC.
See also here.

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