Jul-27 2013
Few hints on JLog(2.5) with a KOSMIK:
The KOSMIK neither provides Ubec nor Throttle. For purposes of the state machine (for CAPALARMSTOP eg) we use PWM instead. Current values Ibat and ImotPeak are fake IMHO, we use Imot. What do we get also from the KOSMIK?  Ubat, Ibec, mAh, RPM (2-pole-normalized, we calculate rpmM and rpmU (rotor speed) from it), tFET, tBEC. All other values in the log of JLog2.5 are derived/calculated from the items mentioned above, respectively are recorded alarms and from JLog-own sensors. Log format and log items are identical to JLog2.
The KOSMIK does NOT provide data before he has initialized (valid throttle pulse seen and a motor (positively) recognized)!  Its firmware must be at least of release 4.0!


Jun-1 2013
A week ago the Kontronik KOSMIK have been implemented as a 3rd ESC acting as a multi-sensor to JLog2. Advantages of using JLog in place of a TelMe with the KOSMIK:
Currently there are two types of Kontronik TelMe in the market: “TelMe Multiplex” and “TelMe HoTT”, so two types of telemetry only. The KOSMIK neither logs nor the telemetry shows real RPM than a single 2-pole-normalized RPM only. Although both telemetry types need that sensors building and sending alarms a TelMe does not do so, nor a setup utility for alarm thresholds does exist.
JLog supports seven types of telemetry, Multiplex MSBv2, JETI v1 and EX, HoTTv4, Futaba S.BUS2, JR, SPEKTRUM and HiTec, – plus an OpenFormat LiveStream, an own telemetry “JTX”, and wired terminals JETIbox, Unidisplay and SmartBox.
By setup (JLC) real RPM (motor and rotor) is logged and shown in telemetry. Also there’re nine types of alarm thresholds supported by JLog as alarm signalling device if necessary in a telemetry.
On top alarm lines running into alarm devices mounted on the model are supported, switch type, pulsed and Morse. In parallel several JLog-own sensors are an option for up to five external temperatures, an external RPM, voltage, HV²BEC, electrical current by HiTec C200, etc. JLog is logging by itself and in parallel to the KOSMIK, including its own sensors and alarms.
……….KOSMIK  <–  Log Recording  –>  JLog
JLog shows itself as a “TelMe” to the KOSMIK. It is simply connected to anyone of the three peripheral interfaces of the KOSMIK, no Kontronik TelMe needed. The KOSMIK is also the power supply for JLog.
Unfortunately it turned out that JLog2 does not have enough/sufficient interfaces to support the 5-wire peripheral interface of the KOSMIK in parallel to own sensors and all telemetry types, at least not without hardware modifications. Now time has come not to continue the “patchwork” of option units for JLog2 like “JSend”, “JCC” and “JSPEK” in the past. To be able to immediately provide a sufficient telemetry solution for the KOSMIK we (Linus, R²Prototyping, and me) decided to bring JLog2.5 as an intermediate solution before JLog3 has been finished.
What is JLog2.5?
JLog2.5 is an upgraded JLog2 (not a specialized one), 100% compatible to JLog2. Only, it has few more interfaces to support the KOSMIK also and make usage easier compared to JLog2. Therefore JLog2.5 on top contains already a Futaba S.BUS2 interface (functionally “JSend”), an easier to use interface to a Castle Creations ESC, especially in conjunction with I²C-based telemetry SPEKTRUM and HiTec (“JCC”), a native SPEKTRUM TM1000 interface. Although this adds little delay more to the JLog3 development process, we consider JLog2.5 as proper and important for your current needs.
I’m now waiting to get the prototype of JLog2.5 into my hands, a question of days only, then JLog2.5 will immediately appear in the shops.
Here a preview:  4x JR 3-pin 2.5mm, two of them equivalent to JLog2′s “K4″ and “K5″ (to a JIVE), a 3rd JR 3-pin replacing the “COM” of JLog2, and the fourth 3-pin JR is the Futaba S.BUS2 connector. The female on the JR side is to connect to a KOSMIK (the cable will be provided with JLog2.5), the connector on the opposite side is for a native X-Bus cable (sold by Horizon) connecting a SPEKTRUM TM1000.  –  Top side: micro SD slot and the three LEDs. Bottom side: components and KOSMIK/SPEKTRUM female. This is a 4-layer PCB (JLog2 is 2-layer), 16x26mm (JLog2: 16x22mm), a bit more “embossed” by the two rows of JR pins and the females on the opposite.
Hersteller: R² prototyping GmbH
Bezugsquellen:  Zum Start zunächst nur MHM und microhelis.de. Ab wann? Wahrscheinlich ab Woche 22.-26.07.2013
Manufacturer: R² prototyping GmbH
Sources: At start initially only MHM and microhelis.de. From? Probably from week July 22-26 2013

JLog2.5 vs. JLog2 (DE)

Zunächst: JLog2.5 ist KEIN “New-Generation-JLog”, JLog3 wird es sein.
JLog2.5 wurde erforderlich, weil mit JLog2 nicht das benötigte Interface zum Kontronik KOSMIK machbar ist. Es wäre notwendig geworden, dafür ein Zusatzinterface anzubieten, also das “Patchwork” á la “JSend” fortzusetzen, – was aber vermieden werden sollte.
Was ist also JLog2.5, was ist der Unterschied zu JLog2?
- Interface zum KOSMIK nebst der entsprechenden Firmware, um den KOSMIK wie JIVE und CC als virtuellen Sensor verwenden zu können. Für das Anschließen des KOSMIK gibt es eine Buchse, identisch zu der, wie sie der KOSMIK für seine 3 Optionsinterfaces verwendet. Das 1:1-Kabel liegt JLog2.5 bei.
- Das S.BUS2-Interface für Futaba-Telemetrie befindet sich bereits onboard, also die Entsprechung von “JSend”
- Für SPEKTRUM-Telemetrie via TM1000 gibt es einen “nativen” Anschluss, eine Buchse für das Kabel SPMA 9580 (Horizon).
- Das JLog-Interface “COM” ist keine Molex-Buchse mehr, stattdessen ein 3-Pin-JR-Anschluss für Servokabel.  -  Hier ist ein Kompromiss begründet: Um ein Unidisplay betreiben zu können, muss man ein Kabel SM#2401 modifizieren. Die benötigten +3,3V Betriebsspannung für das Unidisplay stehen am mittleren Pin des S.BUS2-Interfaces zur Verfügung (siehe). Der “Kompromiss” besteht u.A. darin, dass die Anschlüsse “COM” und “S.BUS2″ nicht zur Stromversorgung des JLog2.5 verwendet werden können, um das Anschließen eines Unidisplay weiterhin zu ermöglichen: Der mittlere Pin von “S.BUS2″ ist, wie gesagt, Spannungsausgang statt -eingang, der mittlere Pin von “COM” ist auch anderweitig belegt, weil das Unidisplay kein 1-Wire (seriell Rx/Tx im Semiduplex) unterstützt, sondern Rx und Tx separiert will. Beim Betrieb mit Telemetrien im 1-Wire-Mode (JETI, HoTT, JR, MPX, S.BUS2 via Onboard-Interface) wird “COM” aber softwareprogrammiert in den Semiduplex versetzt, wobei der mittlere Pin der COM (sonst “+”) nicht zu belegen ist. Der mittlere Pin des S.BUS2-Anschlusses schützt sich selbst vor eingespeister R/C-Spannung.
- JLog2.5 enthält die für HiTec-Telemetrie benötigten Pullup-Widerstände, damit ein Optima Empfänger JLog als HTSS erkennt.
- Die Hardware/Funktionalität von JCC ist bereits enthalten, software-gesteuert.
- JSPEK ist nicht erforderlich, das macht der Bootloader wie in der letzten Generation des JLog2.
- JLog2.5 ist HV-fähig bis mindestens 12V.
- Der Bootloader ist toleranter gegenüber “SD-Schlafmützen”.
Hier die Schnittstellen von JLog2.5 und ihre Verwendung.

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